· 7 min read

PBS Insight with Stephan Tanaja

University life often gets a bad rap for being dull and repetitive. Many people think it’s all about just listening to lectures from professors and focusing on academic topics. If that’s how you see college, then you might want to check out Petra Business School (PBS). They offer a fresh perspective on what university life can be.

University life often gets a bad rap for being dull and repetitive. Many people think it’s all about just listening to lectures from professors and focusing on academic topics. If that’s how you see college, then you might want to check out Petra Business School (PBS). They offer a fresh perspective on what university life can be.

At Petra Business School, the experience goes way beyond the usual lecture-and-test routine. They’ve created an engaging environment where learning is anything but monotonous. One of their standout programs is PBS Insight. This initiative is designed to give students a broad view of both the soft skills and hard skills they need for the real world.

PBS Insight is more than just a lecture series. It’s a chance for students to hear from industry professionals who share their real-life experiences and expertise. Instead of just discussing textbook theories, PBS Insight dives into actual industry challenges and successes. These guest speakers bring their stories to the table, detailing their career journeys, the obstacles they faced, and how they overcame them to achieve their goals.

For instance, on August 15, 2024, Petra Business School hosted a PBS Insight session with Mr. Stephan Tanaja, the Chairman of Boncafe Group. This event was more than just a typical lecture; it was a lunch-and-learn where students got to discuss business challenges and strategies with a seasoned professional. It’s the kind of opportunity that bridges the gap between academic learning and real-world application.

The enthusiasm from the students during this event was palpable. They weren’t just passive listeners; they actively participated by sharing their opinions and engaging in discussions with Mr. Tanaja. This kind of interaction helps students sharpen their creativity and critical thinking skills. It’s an invaluable experience that prepares them for future endeavors, whether they’re planning to start their own business or enter the workforce.

Petra Business School’s approach shows that university life can be both enriching and dynamic. By incorporating programs like PBS Insight, they ensure that students are not only gaining academic knowledge but also developing practical skills and insights that will be crucial in their careers. This hands-on approach makes learning more relevant and exciting, offering students a well-rounded education that goes beyond textbooks.

So, if you’re feeling stuck in the mindset of conventional university life and want to explore a more engaging and practical approach to education, Petra Business School might just be what you’re looking for. Here, you’ll find that college can be an exciting journey of discovery and growth, rather than just a series of lectures and exams. Embrace the opportunity to learn from industry experts, gain real-world insights, and prepare yourself for a successful future.

At Petra Business School, the goal is to make your university experience as impactful and enjoyable as possible. With programs like PBS Insight, they’re redefining what it means to be a student and preparing you for a career that’s both fulfilling and successful. So why settle for a monotonous college experience when you can be part of something that truly enriches your educational journey?

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